5.8% is not enough !!!! You can get more from Public Mutual.
PETALING JAYA: The Employees Provident Fund (EPF) has declared a dividend of 5.8% for 2010, up from 5.65% declared the year before.
It will pay out a total of RM21.61bil to members, an increase from the 2009 dividend payout of RM19.37bil.
EPF declared that the rate, which was approved by the Finance Minister, was the “highest dividend payout amount ever”.
EPF’s total investment assets stood at RM440.52bil as at Dec 31 last year while its gross investment income was RM24.06bil.
EPF Declares 5.8% Dividend
Market Wrap: Week Ended 18 Feb 2011
The local market started the week on a firm note with the FBM KLCI crossing above 1,500 points and touching a one-week intraday high of 1,521.2 points on Friday following the rebound in global and regional markets. The index closed at 1,517.6 points to register a gain of 1.5% for the week.
Average daily trading volume decreased to 1.8 bil from 2.6 bil units in the preceding week while daily turnover in value terms fell to RM2.0 bil from RM2.8 bil over the same period.
On Wall Street, shares prices were firm on the back of better-than-expected U.S. corporate earnings and housing starts for January 2011. The Dow rose by 1% to close at a 33-month high of 12,391 points for the week. The broader-based S&P 500 Index was also up 1% to close at a 33-month high of 1,343 points while the Nasdaq was up by 0.9% to 2,834 points over the same period.
In the U.S., consumer spending remained resilient with retail sales growth rising to 7.8% in January 2011 from 7.6% in December 2010 amidst higher automotive and gasoline sales. The U.S. housing market improved with housing starts rising to a seasonally-adjusted annual rate of 596,000 units in January 2011 compared to 520,000 units in December 2010. The U.S. inflation rate rose to an 8-month high of 1.6% in January 2011 from 1.5% in December 2010 on higher food and housing costs while the core inflation rate increased to 0.9% from 0.6% over the same period.
Oil prices rose by 0.7% to close at US$86.20/brl due to supply concerns amidst political uncertainties in the Middle East.
Market Wrap: Week Ended 11 Feb 2011
After commencing the week on a firm note, the FBM KLCI fell to a 2½ month low intraday low of 1,490.4 points on Thursday amidst the retracement in regional markets. The FBM KLCI subsequently closed at 1,494.5 points to register a loss of 2.4% for the week.
Average daily trading volume increased to 2.5 bil from 1.5 bil units in the preceding week while daily turnover in value terms rose to RM2.7 bil from RM1.9 bil over the same period.
Regional markets eased on continued concerns over food-related inflationary pressures and higher interest rates across developing economies. The Hang Seng China Enterprises Index fell by 4.9% while most regional markets registered weekly losses ranging between 3% and 5%.
On Wall Street, share prices continued to remain firm on the back of better-than-expected sales for most U.S. companies in the last quarter and positive merger & acquisitions news. The Dow rose by 1.5% to close at 12,273 points for the week. The Nasdaq was up 1.4% to close at 2,809 points over the same period.
Pelabur Biasa vs. Pelabur Hebat
Lazimnya terdapat 2 ciri utama tabiat pelabur.
Tabiat mereka inilah yang menentukan sama ada mereka mampu ‘Buat Duit’ atau tidak melalui pelaburan, terutamannya pelaburan Unit Amanah.
Ramai orang yang terdedah dalam industri pelaburan mengatakan terdapat hampir 90% pelabur mempunyai tabiat yang kurang tepat terhadap pelaburan mereka. Betulkah kenyataan itu? Saya tidak pasti, tetapi mengikut kajian-kajian psikologi memang ramai orang yang akan suka bertindak ‘terbalik’. Ia sama seperti hanya 5% sahaja orang yang berani dan mencari sebab untuk berjaya, sedang 95% lagi adalah orang yang suka memberi alasan serta lebih selesa berada pada tahap biasa. Mereka memanggil pelabur-pelabur itu sebagai ‘Pelabur Biasa’.
Para ‘Pelabur Biasa’ lazimnya tidak percaya kepada matlamat kewangan mereka, sesetengahnya langsung tidak meletakkan objektif kepada pelaburan mereka. Mereka mudah panik apa dengan turun naik pasaran serta banyak menggunakan emosi/perasaan untuk membuat keputusan. Mereka lebih suka dan percaya kepada pandangan dan nasihat individu tidak berkaliber yang menyebelahi emosi mereka.
Berlainan dengan ‘Pelabur Hebat’. Para pelabur ini, memang suka melabur. Mereka sanggup menimba ilmu untuk mengetahui potensi dan cara untuk mencapai matlamat kewangan mereka melalui pelaburan. Mereka bercita-cita untuk kaya dan akan mengambil tindakan diatas setiap peluang untuk memastikan matlamat mereka tercapai.
Lazimnya, ‘Pelabur Hebat’ tidak mudah panik. Mereka mempunyai objektif pelaburan yang jelas. Mereka tidak akan mengganggu pelaburan mereka sehinggalah matlamatnya tercapai. Bagi yang lebih agresif, pastinya mereka akan terus menambah pelaburan mereka. Mereka tidak takut rugi, mereka mahu untung dan mahu laksanakan strategi yang menguntungkan.
Mereka juga tidak suka terburu-buru kerana mereka amat faham bahawa setiap pelaburan dan untung perlukan masa yang tertentu. Bagi mereka adalah diluar tabii’ jika menanam pokok untuk menuai hasilnya sebelum pokok itu tiba masa untuk berbuah.
Public Mutual mengumumkan pengagihan untuk 4 dana
Anak syarikat milik penuh Public Bank, Public Mutual, mengumumkan pengagihan untuk empat daripada dana-dananya. Jumlah pengagihan kasar dan pecahan unit yang diumumkan untuk dana-dana yang mempunyai tahun kewangan berakhir pada 31 Januari 2011 adalah seperti berikut:
Public Dana Index (PIX): 6.00 sen seunit
Public Dana Islamic Optimal Growth (PIOGF): 1.25 sen seunit
Public Dana Enhanced Bond (PEBF): 3.00 sen seunit (dengan pecahan unit: 1:20)
Public Dana Money Market (PMMF): 2.50 sen seunit
Ketua Pegawai Eksekutif Public Mutual Yeoh Kim Hong berkata menurut Jadual Dana The Edge-Lipper yang bertarikh 17 Januari 2011, Public Dana Index dan Public Dana Islamic Optimal Growth telah menghasilkan pulangan satu tahun sebanyak 23.7% dan 20.19% masing-masing bagi tempoh berakhir 7 Januari 2011. Kedua-dua dana tersebut terbuka untuk Skim Pelaburan Ahli KWSP.
Bagi Public Dana Enhanced Bond pula, ia telah menghasilkan pulangan satu tahun sebanyak 8.59% bagi tempoh berakhir 7 Januari 2011, sementara itu, Public Dana Money Market telah menghasilkan pulangan satu tahun sebanyak 2.32% bagi tempoh yang sama.
Market Wrap: Week Ended 28 Jan 2011
The FBM KLCI fell to a 5-week intraday low of 1,505.4 points on Wednesday amidst profit-taking activities. Sentiment was also dampened by sluggish trading conditions in offshore markets. The FBM KLCI subsequently closed at 1,521.9 points to register a loss of 1.7% for the week.
Average daily trading volume decreased to 1.6 bil from 1.8 bil units in the preceding week while daily turnover in value terms eased to RM2.3 bil from RM2.4 bil over the same period.
Selected regional markets generally closed on a mixed note following news of higher-than-expected inflationary pressures.
- advantage (5)
- KWSP (7)
- market report (25)
- opportunity (17)
- pelaburan syariah (10)